All Behind the Dish programs are directed by Bobby Garrick, former New Trier High School varsity catcher and Elmhurst College graduate, majoring in Kinesiology. Bobby will lead the day to day programming.
To develop more advanced techniques, each program will begin with a structured static and dynamic stretching program followed by receiving drills with weighted baseballs and bands. Weekly skill work includes... advanced receiving, throwing, blocking, pop times, situational defense, pitcher/catcher relationships and leadership qualities behind the plate.
The program is tailored towards players with past catching experience, looking to gain an edge on the competition this off season.
Program Specifics
Day: Sundays
Dates: October 29th - December 17th (NO CLASS: November 26th)
Time: 11:00-12:00PM
Cost: $300
Group Max: 10- SOLD OUT!